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We aim to be machine professionals and professionals as people.

We carry out production in close cooperation so that we can meet the various needs of our customers.

The products of MACHINEPRO are almost all produced to order. We manufacture products that meet your needs by meeting with you based on specifications and specification drawings to further increase your productivity.

The origin of creating value starts with believing in the possibilities.

MACHINEPRO Co., Ltd. has continued to steadily move forward with a belief in the possibilities for our company since our establishment. Externally, we are personally removing restrictions as a conventional SME and are actively expanding overseas. Internally, we are creating workplaces where it is possible to decide all our actions according to our own intentions in an environment that is as free as possible. These require a firm principle that our ideas are correct with a belief in the possibilities of all companies and people. We are active in the realm beyond the areas of winners and losers. Moreover, I believe that true value can only grow in that realm. We think, take action and then create to produce results with a belief in ourselves in the environment we have been placed in now. This is extremely difficult. Nevertheless, I am convinced that this is the origin of everything.

Masaru Ieda